On the Ukrainian domains more or less clear and stable. I register domains at nic.ua. At first the price attracted me – hitting under some action I got tariff Gold, which allows you to register me com.ua domains for 6.95 WMZ (55grn., Sometime before the end of the year). In my opinion, this is the lowest price I’ve seen on the market. Of course, in the account is not taken of affiliate programs, where a person engaged in the sale and registration of domain independently. Although, I confess market Uanete not so many of these programs have seen.
In addition, nic.ua now undergoing a series of actions. So for the summer offer 15% discounts when you order any domain. Code is required – HB2009. What’s even more interesting – when you transfer any domain in 2009, your account will be transferred to the rate of 20%! (it is worth the domain com.ua 7.20 WMZ = 57grn.) Judging by the cursory analysis, it is the most favorable conditions for Ukrainian domains. Another enjoyable moment there are constantly developing service – one of these days they celebrated 2 years, promising to do everything to facilitate the improvement of the quality of services, the usability of the site and create a nice price for the job. They would have an affiliate program) once wrote in those who support on this issue. Wait and see until I’m there all happy.
Just over a year ago I started to glance in the direction of the English-speaking segment of the Internet, plan some projects there. Accordingly, I needed domains in zones com or net. I looked for it on a couple of the Serchio, about a day digging and chose (in my head) as a registrar “Estonians” or estdomains. Registered the domain 2 or 3, and after a while the situation with this office generally poplohelo and it was closed. Domains moved to resellerclub.com. And that, unfortunately, the only way to replenish been using credit cards and PayPal, no Webmoney. com domains net.
In general, we had some time to wait for that and how it will develop, the benefit of the extension was not soon enough. A little later, comrades tightened some totally wild and refill procedure through Webmoney, but in manual mode! Then I found on one of the forums contact the office that deals with, as I understand it, Reselling Domain for the same registrar – yekt.net (since you can not use yekt Private Person, I was recommended to register new domains in getnic.name). Here are the main profile there (as I understand) man on Serch – signature has a link to an article about the transfer of the domain from the Estonians and the site, which also deals with registrations RU domains (but totally wild prices).